Saturday, June 20, 2020

Pandemic Baking: Sourdough #15, #16, and #17

Another exciting Friday as we look forward to baking another batch of sourdough breads!
This week, we are making one for us, one for Amy, and one for our neighbor Hua who is moving.
Hua moved into her home across the street from us a month or two before we moved into our home, over 20 years ago.
One of her daughters babysat R&R so we could have date nights.
She has been a great neighbor, and now she is putting her house up on the market, and preparing to move west.

The plan is to perform mixing in parallel, in 3 separate mixing bowls, as opposed to bulk mixing.
We still have some Gold Medal bleached all-purpose flour left, but not enough for all 3 loaves, so we will also be using King Arthur unbleached all-purpose flour to compare the difference.

We also realized that, even though we have kept track of the Baker's Percentage when increasing the hydration level from Aunt Joy's recipe, we did not keep the final dough weight the same. Hence our last sourdough #14 weighed in at 1,033g as opposed to 958g. This would have affected the baking time and explained why we needed to bake longer.

Today, we will fix that mistake, and use the following recipes.
Note that this is still based on Aunt Joy's original recipe, with increased hydration, keeping the final loaf size the same.

70% Hydration Recipe based on Joy's75% Hydration Recipe based on Joy's
475g all-purpose flour (100%) 464g all-purpose flour (100%)
333g lukewarm water (70% hydration) 348g lukewarm water (75% hydration)
143g leaven (30%) 139g leaven (30%)
7g salt (1.5%) 8g salt (1.7%)
Loaf size: 958gLoaf size: 959g

Sourdough #15 has 70% hydration, using Gold Medal bleached all-purpose flour.
Sourdough #16 has 75% hydration, using Gold Medal bleached all-purpose flour.
Sourdough #17 has 75% hydration, using KA unbleached all-purpose flour.

We started the process on Friday morning, for baking on Saturday morning.
We don't have an ambient thermometer and humidity meter yet, but today we measured our dough temperature for the first time.
Dough temperature:
Sourdough #15: 85.6 deg F; sourdough #16: 81 deg F; sourdough #17: 84.4 deg F.
Our FDT (Final Dough Temperature) goal was 78 deg F so we were slightly warmer, which meant it will take a shorter bulk fermentation.

After feeding the starter at 8AM, we began mixing the dough at 12:30PM.
The four stretch and fold sessions ended around 2:30PM.
We pre-shaped at 7:30PM, shaped at 8PM.
Sourdough #15 went into our ceramic bowl.
Sourdough #16 went into our new slightly larger banneton basket.
Sourdough #17 went into our older slightly smaller banneton basket.
All three went into the refrigerator at 8:15PM.
 Starter fed (front) and leaven (back) for three loaves
Sourdough #15 (70%) after pre-shaping: using Gold Medal bleached AP

Sourdough #16 (75%) after pre-shaping: using Gold Medal bleached AP

Sourdough #17 (75%) after pre-shaping: using KA AP flour, this looks the smoothest
On Saturday morning, we pre-heated the oven at 6:00AM
This time, we plan to take the dough directly from the refrigerator to the oven, without letting it warm to room temperature.
This made scoring easier to handle, as the dough was still stiff from the cold.

The first loaf (#15 from the ceramic bowl) went into the oven at 7:12AM.

Sourdough #15 baking time:
1. Preheat to 500 deg F for one hour
2. In oven with lid on for 18 minutes
3. Rotate Dutch oven then wait 11 minutes
4. Remove the lid and wait 5 minutes
5. Put loaf on bare rack and switch to convection at 450 deg F for 4 minutes
6. Check and rotate for last 2 minutes

Sourdough #15 (70% hydration) duplicated #10 beautiful caramel color and blisters
We are very pleased that we are able to reproduce sourdough #10 in coloring with blisters.
This one will be gifted to Hua, our neighbor who will be moving away at the end of the month.
Final post-bake weight for sourdough #15: 783g

After allowing the oven to preheat back to 475 deg F temperature reading (about 30 minutes wait), Sourdough #17 went into the oven at 8:37AM.

Sourdough #17 baking time:
1. Preheat to 500 deg F (it took about half an hour to get it back to 475 deg F reading)
2. In oven with lid on for 18 minutes
3. Rotate Dutch oven then wait 13 minutes (due to higher hydration)
4. Remove the lid (it was a little bit lighter) so wait 7 minutes
5. Put loaf on bare rack and switch to convection at 450 deg F for 3.5 minutes
6. Check and rotate for last 2 minutes

Sourdough #17 (75%) using KA AP flour: a new successful scoring!

Sourdough #17 (75%): awesome coloring!
Sourdough #17 cross section

Another successful loaf this morning! We are so excited to see the beautiful result!
We practiced this new scoring so we can do the next scoring to surprise Amy!
Final post-bake weight for sourdough #17: 812g

After allowing the oven to preheat back to 475 deg F temperature reading (about 40 minutes wait), Sourdough #16 went into the oven at 10:11AM.

Sourdough #16 baking time -- this is a keeper for a 75% hydration loaf!
1. Preheat with Dutch oven at 500 deg F (it took about 40 minutes to get it back to 475 deg F reading)
2. Dough in oven with lid on for 19 minutes
3. Rotate Dutch oven then wait 16 minutes
4. Remove the lid then wait 6 minutes
5. Put loaf on bare rack and switch to convection at 450 deg F for 3.5 minutes
6. Rotate for the last 2 minutes

Sourdough #16 (75%): personalized scoring!
Sourdough #16 cross section

Note: next time try putting the bread with the lettering facing us
Final post-bake weight for sourdough #16: 796g

Sourdough #16 and its rightful owner

Amy came to the house right before her loaf comes out of the oven, and she got a peek of the design.
It was delightful to be able to see her surprised reaction as the oven door opened!
This was Father's Day weekend, and she brought over homemade peanut butter blondies and nutter butter cookies, and a card from her and the boys. We are so lucky to have her in our lives.

And Happy Father's Day!

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